Skin Protection

Sun Blocking Clothing Already in Your Closet

Sun Blocking Clothing Already in Your Closet could keep you protected from the sun? Is it possible that you already have what you need to protect your skin is already in your closet? Enjoying the sun is one of life’s simple pleasures, but it’s important to enjoy the sun safely. Sunlight includes ultraviolet (UV) radiation, […]

Skin Cancer Awareness

Reduce Risk Of Skin Cancer With Sun Blocking Clothing

Many of us enjoy the warmth and light of the sun on our skin. Skin cancer has a reputation for being common. Yet it’s one disease that we can actively work to prevent. You can reduce the risk of skin cancer by wearing sun blocking clothing when you are out in the direct sunlight for […]

Skin Protection Sun Blocking Clothing

My Sun-Savvy Lifestyle Changes

My sun-savvy lifestyle changes have been possible because I learned how to use clothing as the first line of defense! Then to make matters even better, I use the clothing in my closet. I want to share the importance of using clothing as the first line of defense against the sun’s harmful rays, as well […]

Color Of Clothing Matters Sun Blocking Clothing

What is More Important? Color, Fabric, or Weave?

What is more important? Color, fabric, or weave to make sure you get the best from your sun protection clothing? How is color supposed to help me in using sun blocking fabrics? What about the fabric? Or is it all the weave? In this part of learning about sun-blocking clothing series, let’s review how this […]

Skin Protection Sun Blocking Clothing

Why Do European Beachgoers Enjoy Safer Sunscreens

Because new information is always coming in, this site will be updating the information regularly

Sun Blocking Clothing

Do I Really Need To Wear UPF Clothing In The Fall And Winter?

Do I really need to wear UPF clothing in the fall and winter? Is all this business about UPF clothing seem to be a bit over the top for you? Cool and cloudy days will put us at more risk. Just because the temperature is cooler does not mean we are safe from the sun’s […]

Skin Cancer Awareness Sun Blocking Clothing

Your Skin’s “Deeper Layers”

Do you know how your skin’s “deeper layers” protect your body? Let’s Talk Skin Understanding a bit about your skin anatomy will help you make some better decisions about limiting sun on your bare skin. We can’t see the deeper layers of our skin, and it is hard to appreciate what they do. We do […]

Skin Protection

Best Sun Blocking Clothing For Gardeners

The Best Sun Blocking Clothing For Gardeners is often common sensel Are you a just now having time for a garden as the kids are grown? Or are you a life long gardener? Wearing the best sun blocking clothing for gardeners will keep your skin safer. With the season for gardening changing to a fall […]


Why Sun Block Clothes For Golfers

Why Sun Block Clothes For Golfers? No one would argue that golf is a fun pastime. However, our year-round access to the sun-drenched links brings an increased risk for a serious and life-threatening condition. And that risk is skin cancer. For every hour that you are on the course, golfers can receive 3 to 5 times […]

General Health Concerns Skin Cancer Awareness

6 Quick Reasons For Some Sun Exposure

6 Quick Reasons For Some Sun Exposure will help you make better choices about the time you spend in the sun. There is a practical side to this whole “Sun Dangers”part of our life. We humans are like plants and animals. We thrive when we get the proper abount of sun exposure. Research has found […]

Skin Cancer Awareness Skin Protection

Do Sun Blocking Shirts Really Work?

SpoilerAlert Sun Blocking shirts work! Have you wondered Do Sun Blocking Shirts Really Work? Are you stuck in the outdated belief that you didn’t have one when you were a kid, why do you need one now? Why do your kids need them? Yes, they do work. Awareness is the first step in knowing how […]