
The Sun And Your Skin

The Sun And Your Skin is information I found to help give me some safe sun guidelines. Will it give you some ideas about how much sun is safe for you?

We must protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun

We know, to start with, that anyone who spends time outdoors should use sunscreen. Recent developments have also added the information that covering your skin by wearing sun blocking clothing is also an easy way to protect your skin from the sun.

So what happens when you try to take the best of both sunscreen and sun blocking clothing to help protect your skin from the sun? We should be able to take better care of our skin than ever.

We Know That “Some Sun” Is Good

So obviously the secret here is to be able to control the time we are in the sun without sunscreen and sun blocking clothing. To be able to get just the right amount of sun.

The one true fact is that there is no hard and set rule about what is considered a safe amount. No in the sun danger world, we are all on our own.

So here we must figure out our own personal risk factors. I know that mine are pretty high. My skin is fair and freckles easily. Eyes are considered hazel. With hair that is light brown (with streaks of grey).

It does take about 15 or 16 minutes to make me turn a bit pink. So I have some basic information to go with. To help me to know how long it is safe for me to be in the sun to help my body make the vitamin D I need to keep my calcium and strong bones. There are so many benefits to the sun on your skin.

My Plan To Moniter Sun Exposure

My goal is to get 15 minutes of sun on my arms and face several days a week. I plan to have a tube of sunscreen on the counter in the utility room to reach easily. I am not a gardener but I do help haul away the twigs and leaves that fall from our trees. My husband rakes the trash into piles.

I can load and dump a wheelbarrow full of the trash from the yard in about 15 minutes. For the 2nd load, I will put on my long sleeve loose-fitting sun blocking shirt and sun hat. Of course, the sunglasses go on as well. I will add sunscreen to my face and hands, even though I wear leather gloves to work in.

As my time to stay out is usually limited, the combination of the early morning and limiting the time I should be safe. This is not yet a habit but will become one soon.

Reasons To Limit Your Sun On Your Skin

Anyone who spends time outdoors should use sunscreen. This includes:

  • Men, women, and children.
  • People who tan easily and those who don’t.
  • Fair-skinned and dark-skinned people.
  • People who already have tans and sunbathers, gardeners, and skiers.

Obviously, we all need to protect our skin.

The sun’s ultraviolet light will cause major damage to your skin.

The outer layer of the skin has cells that contain the pigment melanin. Melanin protects skin from the sun’s ultraviolet rays.

These UV rays can burn your skin and reduce its elasticity. This leads to premature aging at the least. Sunburn and skin cancer are also risks from sun exposure.

The UV Rays Risks

Yes, UVB rays cause a much greater risk of skin cancer than UVA.

But UVA rays cause aging, wrinkling, and loss of elasticity.

UVA also increases the damaging effects of UVB, including skin cancer and cataracts.

Dangers That Your Skin Risks When In The Sun

When you get too much sun on your skin too many times, your skin can no longer repair itself correctly.

The DNA that makes you grow healthy skin no longer follows the plan. It has had the correct pattern changed by one time too many of too much sun. The correct plan is fried beyond being able to work properly.

It can lead to:

  • Changes in your skin. Some skin cells with melanin can form a clump. The area where it clumps will look tan, and it will eventually form irregular frickles or agespots on your hands and face.
  • Early aging. When you spend too much time in the sun? Yes it makes your skin age faster than normal.
  • Lowers your immune system. The sun has strong negative effects on human health. Such as promoting the transformation of skin cellsto cells that become malagenent. The sun also suppresses the ability of the human immune system to efficiently detect and attack malignant cells.
  • Eye injuries. UV rays can damage the tissue in your eyes. This damage is permnant and results in cataracs, cancer and other diseases of the eye.
  • Skin cancer.

Is the sun really damaging to your skin? Everybody needs some sun exposure to produce vitamin D (which helps calcium absorption for stronger and healthier bones). But unprotected exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause damage to the skin, eyes, and immune system. This damage can lead to skin cancer or premature skin aging (photoaging).

Wait A Minute, You Thought The Sun Was Good For Your Skin

Is the sun actually good for your skin?

Sunlight triggers the synthesis of vitamin D within your body.

Stanford researchers found that this action causes immune cells to travel to the outer layers of the skin where they are available to protect and help repair damage such as that caused by sun exposure.

Not to mention the way being in the warm sun relaxes you, improves your mood.

Yes, limited amounts of the sun are good for you. 20 minutes several mornings a week? Yes, that does all the good stuff for your skin.

4 hours in the direct sun from 11 AM until 3 PM? Here is where the trouble starts. This kind of sun will put you on the fast track to having skin cancer.

So My Plan For Spring And Summer?

Summertime is on the way. This means the sun will be out in full force soon. While it will be tempting to hide my skin from the intense rays, sunshine isn’t necessarily something to fear!

It is, however, something to respect!

Yes, the sun can damage my skin. No doubt warns weather spring and summer sun can speed up signs of aging and potentially even lead to skin cancer. Especially when you live in central Texas.

As long as I take the proper sun safety precautions, I’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of the sun without worry.

How Will You Face Spring and Summer

You probably already are aware of the basic safeguards that will serve you well.

Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen and remember to reapply a generous layer every two hours! Remember your sunglasses. Wear your sun hat. Your long sleeve sun blocking shirt that is loose-fitting and will allow some air around your body.

With adequate sun protection in place, the positive effects of the sun can go far beyond what you might expect. Here is a reminder of four benefits that a dose of sunshine can provide to keep both you and your skin feeling great.

1. Sunshine Can Brighten Your Day

Being out in those rays can brighten your day, both literally figuratively. This happens because exposure to sunlight triggers a boost in serotonin, one of your brain’s “feel-good” chemicals.

The scientific world thinks that having low serotonin levels play a key role in depression. Especially the kind that tends to hit during winter, when sunlight is scarce.

Add to that, research shows that people who spend more time outside have higher levels of this “happy” neurotransmitter.

So, if you’re feeling blue, head outside to maximize the relationship between sun and serotonin for yourself! Or if you aren’t feeling blue, get a few minutes of sunshine to prevent feeling blue!

2. Sunlight And Vitamin D

Low vitamin D levels is very common. But that can be a problem, considering vitamin D is a key component in keeping bones healthy and strong.

Vitamin D is important, thanks to its role in absorbing calcium and phosphorus.

What’s more, the nutrient may also be involved in maintaining a healthy immune system as well as proper muscle function.

These two factors are very important to anyone with an active lifestyle.

Conveniently, one reason the sunshine is so helpful is its ability to cause a reaction within the body that triggers vitamin D production.

While you can get vitamin D through certain types of food like salmon, tuna, egg yolks, cheese, and fortified milk, most people don’t include enough of this nutrient in their diet alone.

So, make time for yourself to get acquainted with a healthy amount of sunlight. You will be healthier by having some safe sun habits in your lifestyle.

3. Sleep Better With Some Time In The Sun

Do you prefer winter naps or summer naps? I am a napper! Any time of the year works great for me. However, for those who are not into napping, you may find that a summertime nap works well for you.

There’s no real competition. Summertime naps are just something magical. Try winding down a hot day spent in the sun with a cool nap. Researchers think they may have picked up on why.

Just in case you are not familiar with circadian rhythms.

They essentially control your body’s internal clock. Telling you when it’s time to wake up and go to sleep. Our circadian rhythms are based on the sun.

However, most of us spend our evenings scrolling through brightly lit screens! We’re exposed to light much later in the day than our ancestors were.

To the rescue! Serotonin. Serotonin is involved in the production of another hormone that influences our sleep, melatonin.

When serotonin levels in our bodies are just right, there’s a greater likelihood that melatonin will be too. This means better shut-eye (and possibly even healthier body weight)!

For the best effects, try combining time in the sun with exercise.

4. Sunshine Helps Your Skin Glow

We often think about how the sun can damage skin, but for people with certain skin conditions, the sun can actually be a kind of medicine.

If you have psoriasis and eczema you know these can cause rashes and lesions. UV light can help the healing process along.

You don’t have specific skin issues, taking in a few UV rays may give you a healthy glow.

Research shows that sunshine can lower blood pressure and improve your heart health. 

Great skin will have a massive impact on your outward appearance, but it starts from within. Moderate sun exposure is associated with all kinds of health benefits, so don’t be afraid to enjoy the benefits of the sun.

As long as you’re wise about how (and when) you get your sun, you can safely look forward to whatever tomorrow’s sunrise brings your way.

Sun Safe Times To Keep Skin Healthy

Have you wondered just how much sun does it take to damage skin?

If you are sensitive to light, your skin can’t protect itself from UV radiation for long.

In very fair-skin people, UV radiation starts becoming harmful after about 5 to 10 minutes. At that point cover up or get out of the sun.

For medium-tone skin like me, I am safe for 15 minutes, unless it is the direct overhead sun. Then I will only be safe for 10 minutes.

For darker-tone skin, you may not start turning red for 30 minutes. Darker tone skin will sunburn and be subject to skin cancer just as I will. They just take a bit longer to get to the danger zone.

You can get the sun you need to keep you healthy and protect your skin. Be aware and know when you are in the danger zones.

Remember your sunscreen, sunglasses, and your sun blocking clothing. You can enjoy your fun in the sun and keep your skin healthy.

Learn How To Protect Your Skin
Sami’s Take On The Sun And Your Skin

Knowing your sun risks can help your take better care of your skin. Being aware of how long you are in the sun will allow you to cover up and protect yourself from sunburn.

Often we allow ourselves to get caught in the sun and forget the time. These are the times we usually end up with a sunburn.

New habits do take time to establish. Until then you need to make extra effort to make sure you are doing the best you can to protect yourself from sunburn.

Wearing your sun hat with your sunglasses. A sun blocking shirt. Add sunscreen where you are exposed to the sun and its reflections. Places like your face, and neck. The tops of your hands.

Yes, I am working on those “better habits” too. I still have a ways to go to consider myself always using good habits. How about you? Are you taking better care of your skin?

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